This article highlights the steps to create an offline yum
repository. It is quite possible that during the deployment of many enterprise solutions,
the Linux OS platform i.e. RHEL (Redhat Enterprise Linux) is not registered with
Redhat (Although Enterprises can’t just run their servers on unregistered version
but registration will take some time).
So if RHEL is not registered
it means you can’t resolve rpm dependencies using online repos . Luckily, there
is an option to create a yum local repository provided the packages from the existing RHEL system. Follow the steps below to create an offline yum repository.
- Locate the
rpm packages folder from an existing RHEL system.
- Create a folder RPMS under /mnt.
- Move all packages to the location /mnt/RPMS.
- Manually install below mentioned packages with the
command rpm –ivh <rpm package name> in the order as shown below (createrepo packge has two dependenciesdeltarpm and python-deltarpm ). deltarpm -3.5-0.5.20090913git. el6. x86_64. rpm python -deltarpm -3.5-0.5.20090913git. el6. x86_64. rpm createrepo -0.9.9-17. el6. noarch . rpm
- Create a file
local . repo inside /etc/yum. repo . d with the following parameters:
- Enter below mentioned commands to refresh the yum cache.
- Yum
clean all
- Yum
repolist (you will see localrepo in the list of repositories).
Now you have configured the yum local repository. Enter yum install command to resolve dependencies